Since 2004 various volunteers had been conducting weekly Bible studies for the female population at Mercer County Correctional Center.
From November 2004 until October 2010, Mel Everson ministered two times a week at Mercer County Correctional Facility, NJ.
From January 2011 Until May of 2020 Mel ministered in the Salem County Correctional Facility, NJ, conducting monthly Bible studies.
Since March of 2020 and currently, volunteers have not been able to go into the prisons or jails because of the COVID Pandemic.
We also help inmates to overcome strongholds to negative behavior and addictions through correspondence.
Notice to Prison Chaplains and Program Coordinators, and Aftercare/Recovery Centers:
Besides the willingness and possible availability to minister in local jails, prisons and recovery centers, we have the opportunity with technology to minister in jails and prisons across the nation by video. This video ministry includes Overcomer's programing, to address overcoming addictions and also specifically to address sexual sin behaviors. Please contact us for more information.
Pen Pal Correspondence
We correspond with inmates in state and federal prisons with the purpose of being a friend. Along with writing letters, we send inspiring literature, birthday and Christmas cards and model godly friendship through the process. We also send all of the inmates on our mailing list our quarterly newsletter. Currently we have over 450 inmates on our mailing list. Approximately 120 receive on-going pen pal correspondence.
Bible Studies
Inmates or ex-inmates who participate receive biblical messages/studies with Life Application Questionnaire lessons. Participants are also provided with study Bibles, Bible study resources and other books to assist in their Christian growth. After each series is completed, participants receive a certificate. We are also teamed up with Gospel Echoes Team, a prison ministry that provides Bible study courses. We are the Grading Center for inmates in NJ prisons. For more information about our Bible studies, go to our Publications page. For more information about Gospel Echoes Team, go to
Overcomer's Discipleship
We Provide discipleship to those who want to overcome spiritual bondage, addictions and who want to live in freedom as a Christian. We utilize Freedom In Christ Ministries’ (Dr. Neil Anderson) and Pure Life Ministries’ (Steve Gallagher) resources and help individuals work through the processes.