Support/Financial Reports

Support/Financial Reports
We are a non-profit volunteer-staffed organization. Any financial support is much appreciated and tax deductible. Our financial support comes only from the giving from friends, love offerings, and New Hope Community Church Missions; we receive no government funding. (A report of last year's ministry services and expenses are included below.) Rather than conventional fundraising and begging for money, we believe in funds by faith, trusting God to lead people to give with a cheerful heart. This is inspired by George Muller, a Christian evangelist who relied only on God to provide for the orphanages that he ran in the mid to late 1800's. We are thankful for how God has led people to give to this ministry and for those who have been sensitive to God's leading so as to allow us to meet our budget each year.

Our most essential need of support is prayer. We appreciate intercessory prayer for God’s protection, provision and His will to be revealed to us. We also invite the support of volunteers. Below are some of the ways that you can become involved. 

                                                                                                    Pen Pal Discipleship

For those who enjoy writing and investing in the lives of others, this is an excellent opportunity. Most inmates receive very little mail, especially from family. You can provide much encouragement while discipling through correspondence at the same time. You can have much influence to the change that will take place in an inmate before he is released. Your correspondence discipleship can make a difference in an inmate’s life that would have a ripple effect upon many in the prison as well as in society when the inmate leaves prison.
The Following information contains:
                  * Our ministry report for 2024
                  * Twenty Five Years of Ministry! Our report and ministry review since the beginning with NHCC in 2004 to current

2024 Ministry in Review 

Your prayers, support, and encouragement have contributed to what God has done in this ministry through last year. We thank you and we praise God! The following information reflects the activities and ministry provided to those we have ministered to, with a total expense of $7462.47

Correspondence/Discipleship Ministry
 Weekly Bible Study at New Hope Manor (7 Avg. attendance) Until September
 Over 1,000 letters to inmates (State & Federal Prisons)
 Over 150 “replies for resources” forms sent by new inmates requesting publications
 Over 100 inmates received on-going (more than 3) pen pal correspondence
 Over 320 Birthday cards sent 
 Over 100 inmates participated in Correspondence Bible or Overcomer’s Discipleship 
 Approximately 500 newsletters sent or given each quarter
 Many Christian books, Bible study helps and Bibles distributed to inmates

Prison Ministry

Since March 8 2020, jails and prisons closed to volunteers due to Covid -19 Pandemic

Aftercare Ministry

 Direct contact/support to over 100 ex-inmates through the year
Support includes phone calls, social activities, and meal-meetings

Men’s Purity Ministry

 Bi-weekly Men of Purity meetings. (5 avg. attendance)
 Support and counseling specifically for purity provided to several individuals

Amazon KDP Publishing Books for Inmates

* Four books helped to be published for two inmates

Ministry Expenses Breakdown 

2024 Total Contributions $8810.00 Ministry Expenses $7462.47

Discipleship : Postage $972.95
Discipleship : Literature Supplies $658.54
Operating Expense: Internet/Phone $659.88
Operating Expenses : Office Supplies $925.32
Operating Expenses : Newsletter $1728.71 (includes postage for part of 2025)
Discipleship : Books/Resources $276.47
Aftercare Ministry : Transportation $762.64
Aftercare Ministry : Social Activities $257.10
Operating Expenses : Postage Box Fee $200.00
Operating Expenses : Adv./Website $174.91
Discipleship : Birth/Christmas cards $45.00
Aftercare Ministry: Benevolence $575.95
Men's Purity Ministry $225.00

                                             Total $7462.47
25 Years of Ministry in Review 

The following information reflects the activities and ministry provided to those we have ministered to beginning with the incorporation with New Hope Community Church in July 2004 to 2021

We thank God for all that He has enabled. We thank all those who have supported the ministry in prayer and financially. Without your support, none of this would be possible. I especially appreciate the encouragement and guidance I [Mel] have received.

Astoundingly God has enabled us to provide this much ministry with an average yearly budget of about $6500 over the years. Our approved budget for 2024 is $7994.
We have kept track of the statistics mentioned below. However it is difficult to know approximately how many people we have met and ministered to over the years. That is in answering each letter from inmates, to meeting those in the jails, halfway houses and those on the outside. We pray that each person we met was given hope and to know the love God has for them.

 * Over 14,000 letters written to inmates
 * Over 2500 inmates replied to & received correspondence
 * Over 1400 inmates participated in Correspondence Bible Discipleship
 (114 students currently) 506 graduates of the Bible Discipleship Program 
 * Over 35,000 quarterly newsletters sent to all friends
 * Over 5400 birthday cards sent
 * Over 1000 books, specialty Bibles and study helps sent to inmates
 * Over 900 Bibles given to inmates at MCCC or sent through the mail
 * Over 3600 inmates in female population at MCCC ministered to
 * Over 4947 inmates in male population at MCCC & SCCF ministered to
 * Over 64,000 miles of transportation provided in ministry related travels
 * Direct contact/support to over 250 ex-inmates
  (Phone support, counseling, get-togethers, activities, providing needs)
 * Over 100 meetings at New Person Center, Reading PA. 
 * Over 4600 weekly Bible study meetings at New Hope Manor. 
 * Over 260 Men’s Purity Group Bi-weekly meetings

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